Politika zasebnosti Politika zasebnosti

Politika zasebnosti

Welcome to http://www.nordica.com/ (hereinafter the "Website”). Please read our Privacy Policy carefully; it applies whenever you browse the Website and use its services, as well as in all relationships between you and Nordica, with the exception of purchases of products it offers for sale. In this case, please refer to the privacy policy of the online store, at the bottom of the Website.

Personal data will be processed by Tecnica Group S.p.A. in Italy, in accordance with the applicable legislation.

1. Data Controller

In compliance with the GDPR, Tecnica Group S.p.A., with registered office in Italy at Via Fante d'Italia, 56 - 31040- Giavera del Montello (TV), registered at the Treviso Companies Register under no. 78175, tax code and VAT no. 00195810262 (hereinafter “Tecnica”), is the Data Controller of the personal data of the Users (hereinafter “Personal Data”).

The Company has appointed a Privacy Focal Committee, a committee that collaborates with the Controller in applying the protection measures identified. The Committee is comprised of the Contact Persons of the Legal, IT and Human Resources Departments pro tempore appointed, domiciled at Tecnica’s headquarters. You may contact these persons for any question related to processing of your personal data at the email address privacy@tecnicagroup.com.

2. Our policy

Everyone has the right to have their Personal Data protected; Tecnica respects the right of its Users and customers to be informed as to the collection and other processing operations involving Personal Data. In processing any data that may directly or indirectly identify your person, we seek to act on a strict "need-to-know" basis. For this reason, we have structured the processing of personal data so that use of Personal Data is reduced to the minimum and Personal Data processing is excluded when the purposes pursued in the individual cases can be achieved through the use of anonymous data (such as in market research aimed at improving services) or in other ways that enable the identification of the party concerned only if strictly necessary or required by authorities and police forces (such as data relating to Website traffic or time spent on it, or your IP address). This Privacy Policy provides all useful information to understand how we collect and use the information identifying Website Users as well as all users, customers and suppliers (whether current or potential) of Nordica, athletes and job candidates who spontaneously submit their CV. For any other information regarding our Privacy Policy, please send your requests to the address of Tecnica’s headquarters as indicated above. 

Specific information may be presented in connection with special services or processing of the Data provided.

3. Data processed, Purposes and Legal Basis of the Processing

The processing of Personal Data will take place, for the purposes described below, in accordance with current legislation on Privacy; Tecnica undertakes to process all Data according to principles of fairness, lawfulness, transparency, in compliance with the purposes set out below, collecting them to the extent strictly necessary for the processing, and will ensure that they are only used by personnel authorized for such purpose.

Data will be processed in paper form and through IT tools with security and confidentiality profiles suitable to guarantee security and confidentiality and to prevent unauthorized access to personal data.

Tecnica will process the Personal Data you provide: 

  • when you register to our website http://www.nordica.com/ (the "Website"), if you subscribe to the newsletter or ask for information, and whenever you interact with the Website, including to purchase goods;
  • when you use our internet and mobile applications (registration to websites/Apps and online initiatives such as events, awards and promotions);
  • when you attend events, fairs and exhibitions organized by Tecnica or in which Tecnica participates;
  • for job candidates, when you submit your Resume;
  • for customers and suppliers (whether current or prospective), during pre-contractual and contractual relationships; 
  • for visitors to the company headquarters, when accessing the gates (car plates) and the reception (general data, company you belong to). 

The data processed may be collected through third parties such as public databases, the Companies Register, the Internet, and they may include: 

  • personal details, tax identifications numbers, physical addresses and contact phone numbers (including mobile numbers), fax numbers, e-mail and PEC [certified email] addresses, images of the data subject and, more generally, all information needed for the performance of the contract, such as bank account details and data relating to the payment confirmation system;
  • Information regarding debit/credit cards, Information concerning use and navigation of our Website by the customer, such as the customer’s IP address and other device identification data, the operating system, the browser used and the information regarding the pages of the Website that have been visited, collected through cookies and other tracking systems; 
  • As to athletes, personal identifiable information and Special Categories of Data in the meaning of Article 9 of the GDPR: in particular, data regarding your general health condition [only if you participate in competitions].

We may collect information as to how a customer’s device has interacted with us, including page visited and links clicked, journeys to and from our websites (type of visualization and use of the contents of the websites, links clicked and time spent on each page), their preferences, the products and/or services they have viewed or searched for, possible downloading errors and response time; 

The Controller may also process the following data as regards the staff of suppliers/contractors/ subcontractors: company they belong to, job description and grade, social-security and insurance details, ability to carry out certain activities/tasks; special categories of data, such as data contained in medical certificates for the performance of their duties. In this case, the supplier/contractor, acting as the Data Controller, guarantees that the acquisition of the data and the relevant transmission to our Company is in compliance with all legal requirements related to data processing. 

4. Purposes and legal basis of the processing


Legal basis

Management of communications with the data subject and of any requests from the same; data may be communicated to third parties to the extent needed for the only purpose of answering your request; sending information.

Performance of a contract / of pre-contractual measures

If the data subject is a customer or prospective customer: management of pre-contractual and contractual matters, planning and performance of activities, supply of the requested products and services, answering specific requests of the data subject, and after sale services (such as warranty).

If the data subject is an athlete: formation, performance and termination, where appropriate, of the contract between the parties and of the obligations connected with and/or directly or indirectly arising from the contract.

Management of the customer’s account as a visitor and/or registered user of the website, allowing them to navigate the Website, including as a logged-in user.

If the data subject is a supplier or prospective supplier: management of offers and orders and supply of the requested products and services.

To allow access to the company’s premises, ensure personnel safety and the protection of property.

Legitimate interest of the controller

To measure the level of satisfaction as to the quality of the supplied products and services;

Prevent or detect frauds or unauthorized use that may be harmful to the Website.

To exercise the rights of the Data subject, manage complaints and disputes and protect the Controller’s rights, for instance by defending a right in court.

To comply with obligations under laws, regulations, EU legislation or under an order of the Authority.

Legal obligations


  • to send you commercial and/or advertising materials regarding products or services offered by the Controller, invitations to events organized by the Controller, or in which the Controller participates; 
  • to send you commercial and/or promotional communications from third parties (such as business partners).

Communications may be transmitted through the use of automated call and/or e-mail and/or fax and/or SMS and/or MMS and/or other messaging and/or newsletter services, and/or through traditional marketing methods such as telephone and/or communications forwarded by paper mail.

Previous consent of the data subject

If you are already a customer, we may send you materials relevant to products and services similar to those you previously used, unless you expressly object to it.

Legitimate interest of the controller

Profiling: only with your consent, we may collect information about your preferences, navigation details, habits and lifestyle, as well as details regarding your purchases. Such information will be used to create group and individual profiles. This processing aims to personalize your experience as registered users of our website, to suggest offers in line with your taste and, if you have given your consent for marketing activities, to send you information and promotional offers tailored to your interests. 

Other information used: information obtained by comparing the data collected by the Controller with data generally available to the public, such as social network profiles you have shared with the public; information collected through cookies and other tracking technologies used by the Website (see our Cookie Policy, accessible from the Website homepage). 

These communications will occur through the use of automated call and/or e-mail and/or fax and/or SMS and/or MMS and/or other messaging and/or newsletter services, and/or by telephone and/or paper mail.

Previous consent of the data subject

Your personal data may also be collected through the video surveillance system installed at the Company’s headquarters, as a complementary measure to improve the safety of people and property inside and outside the offices and to assist the Controller or third parties in defending their rights in civil or criminal proceedings, based on images that can be useful in case of unlawful acts. The processing aims to protect the legitimate interests pursued by the Data Controller.

All images and videos obtained through the video surveillance system will be processed by computer tools, only by staff expressly authorized by the Controller to use the systems and, to the extent necessary for the achievement of the purposes, to view the recordings; images and videos may be communicated to third parties, and in particular to Public Security Authorities.

5. Consequences if You Refuse to Provide Data to Tecnica

Providing Tecnica with your Personal Data for purposes of management of pre-contractual (including requests for information) and contractual matters is necessary to achieve the relevant processing purpose; in case of refusal to provide them, or of errors in providing necessary information, it will be impossible for the Controller to answer a request for contact and/or information from the data subject or to supply the requested products and services.

Processing of personal data for marketing and profiling purposes is optional and requires the express consent of the data subject; a refusal to that effect will not affect the completion of any other relations with Tecnica in any way. We will inform you case by case with regard to the mandatory or optional nature of the provision of your Personal data to Tecnica, by adding the symbol (*) to all mandatory information, and to the consequences of not providing such data. Please note that failure to provide optional data does not result in any obligation or disadvantage for our Users.

6. To whom we disclose Personal Data 

The personal data collected may be disclosed to the parent company and to subsidiaries or affiliates pursuant art. 2359 of the Italian Civil Code.

The personal data collected shall not be disclosed to the public. They may be made known, to the extent necessary and for the indicated purposes, to employees and collaborators of the Company, who are Authorized Persons pursuant to Art. 29 of the GDPR. Moreover, they may be communicated to the following third parties, appointed by the Data Controller as Data Processors pursuant to Article 28 of the GDPR by means of a dedicated appointment, with details of the processing methods and of the security measures they will have to adopt for the management and storage of the Data, of which Tecnica is the Data Controller.

By way of example, data may be disclosed to:

  • Employees and collaborators, specifically authorized for the processing or identified as data processors, who perform technical, support and corporate control activities;
  • Third-party companies bound by contract with Tecnica that operate as business partners and act as joint controllers (as in the case of the company that manages the e-commerce platform) or as independent controllers (as in the case of our authorized dealers);
  • Individuals, companies, associations or professional firms that provide services or activities of assistance and advice or provide services to Tecnica, with particular but not exclusive reference to technological, accounting, administrative, legal, tax and financial matters, and marketing;

The Data may also be transmitted to the Public Safety Authority on request, and to Courts where needed. 

The complete list of the recipients, to whom your personal data have been or may be disclosed is at your disposal upon request to be sent via e-mail to privacy@tecnicagroup.com, specifying in the subject the request “List of Data Processors”.

7. Data Transfer Abroad

Personal data will be managed and stored on servers of the Data Controller and/or of third-party companies that act as Data Processors located within the European Union. Data are not currently subject to transfer outside the European Union. In any event, the Controller assures that in any case of transfer of data to Countries outside the EU, it will comply with the provisions of arts. 44 ff. of the GDPR and with all applicable legislation, by entering into agreements that guarantee an adequate level of protection, if necessary.

8. Way of Processing 

Data are processed electronically and in paper form, by means of instruments that ensure security and confidentiality, in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 2 (Principles) and Chapter 4 (Data Controller and Data Processor) of the GDPR.

The processing may also be performed through automated tools able to store, manage or transmit the data, always in compliance with the GDPR.

Data are processed by means of the operations indicated in art. 4, no. 2) of the GDPR, to which we refer for any useful purpose.

Your personal data will be kept for a limited period, depending on the applicable legislation as well as on the purposes and aims for which they have been collected; for example:

  • data processed for marketing purposes will be kept for a maximum period of 10 years from the date of your last consent;
  • data processed for profiling purposes will be kept for a maximum period of 10 years from the date of your last consent;
  • data contained in resumes will be kept until the processing purposes have been achieved. 

At the end of the storage period, the data will be deleted or anonymised, to ensure that the identification of the data subjects will be no longer possible.

9. Security measures 

Tecnica takes suitable security measures to minimise the risk of deliberate or accidental destruction or loss of the Personal Data, of unauthorised access or processing or processing that does not comply with the purpose of collection as laid down in this Privacy Policy. As regards the best possible protection of your Personal Data, with regard to aspects lying outside the control and management of Tecnica, we recommend ensuring that the computer used is equipped with suitable software to protect the internet transmission of data, both incoming and outgoing (such as updated antivirus systems) and that the chosen internet service supplier has used suitable measures to guarantee the security of data transmission over the internet (such as firewalls and anti-spam filters).


Activities strictly necessary for operation

These cookies are of a technical nature and allow the site to operate correctly. For example, they keep the user connected during navigation so that the site does not request login each time to access subsequent pages.

Activities for saving preferences

These cookies are used to store users’ browsing preferences, e.g. they are used to save language settings.

Statistical Activities and Audience Measurement

These cookies help us to understand, through information collected in an anonymous and aggregate form, how users interact with our websites by providing us with information on the visited sections, time spent on the site and any malfunctions. This helps us improve the performance of our websites.


We use various providers who may in turn install cookies for correct operation of the services we are providing to you. If you wish to have information regarding these third-party cookies and how to disable them, please access the links given in the tables below.

Moreover, the page http://www.youronlinechoices.com/uk/your-ad-choices will give you information about behavioural advertising as well as how to deactivate or activate the listed companies which work with the website administrators to collect and use information that is helpful for targeted advertising.


These cookies (third party web services) provide anonymous/aggregate information on the way visitors browse the site. Below are the links to the respective cookies policy page.




Further Information


Google Analytics: statistics system

analytical cookies



Counting conversions adwords campaigns

Conversion cookies



These cookies (third party advertising services) are used in order to send advertising and custom content based on your browsing history. It is possible to disable the use of profiling cookies through the link below:




Further Information


Google Adword: advertising service

advertising cookies



Customer Audience, Campagne Adv

cookies di retargeting


Warning: it is important to remember that disabling profiling cookies does not mean you will not receive any more publicity browsing the site, but simply that the advertising you see will not be selected according to your interests and therefore will be less interesting. 


These third-party cookies are used to integrate certain common functionalities of the main social media and provide them in the Website. In particular they allow registration and authentication on the website through Facebook and Google connect, sharing and comments of pages of the site on social media and also enable the Facebook "like" feature.



Further Information


social media



social media



social media



social media



social media



social media


How to control cookies

Cookies can be controlled by changing your Internet browser preferences. It is possible to accept all cookies, just some or refuse all. If you decide to block all cookies (including essential ones), this can make it impossible for you to access areas of the website or to use the offered services.

To disable cookies:

Internet Explorer 8.0+:

Click on “Tools” in the menu bar and select “Internet Options”

Click on the “Privacy” tab at the top of the top

Move the slider to “Block all cookies”

Firefox 4.0+:

Click on “Tools” in the menu bar

Select “Options"

Click on the “Privacy” tab

Select the box “Tell websites I do not want to be tracked”

Select “Settings”

Click on “Show advanced settings”

In the Privacy section, click on the button “Content settings”

In the “Cookies” section, select “Ignore exceptions and block third-party cookies from being set”.

Safari 5.0:

Click on the Safari menu and select “Preferences”

Click on the “Security” tag

In the “Accept cookies” section specify whether cookies are to be accepted “always”, “never” or “only from sites I visit”. For an explanation of the different options, click on the Guide button in the form of a question mark. If Safari is set to block cookies, it could be necessary to accept them temporarily to open the page. Then repeat the steps indicated above and select “Always”. Once you have finished using the guide, disable the cookies again and delete them.

For specific information on cookies and how to control them, visit the following website in English www.allaboutcookies.org

11. Rights of the data subjects

As the data subject, you have the following rights:

  • to access, rectification, erasure, limitation and to object to your data being processed;
  • to obtain, without hindrance from the data controller, the data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format to transmit them to another data controller;
  • to revoke your consent to the processing, without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on consent before its withdrawal;
  • to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority.

For this purpose, Tecnica invites you to submit, free of charge, your request in writing, including date and signature, by sending it by e-mail to the following address: privacy@tecnicagroup.com, specifying in the subject the request "exercise rights by the data subject".

12. Links to other websites

The Website contains links to other websites which may have no connection with Tecnica. Tecnica does not control nor monitor such websites or their web content. Tecnica shall not be held liable for the web content of such sites and for the rules adopted by them, including in terms of your privacy and the processing of your personal data while you are visiting those websites. Please, pay attention when you connect to these websites through the links provided on the Website and read their terms and conditions of use and their privacy policy carefully. This Privacy Policy does not apply to third party websites and Tecnica is not responsible for the privacy policy applicable to any such website.

13. Applicable law

This Privacy Policy is governed by Italian law and the GDPR which regulates personal data processing - including where held abroad - carried out by anyone resident or with registered offices in Italy or using instruments situated in Italy. The GDPR guarantees that personal data is processed in compliance with fundamental freedoms and rights and in respect of the dignity of the data subject, with specific reference to the confidentiality, personal identity and right to protection of personal data.

14. Amendments and Updates to the Website Privacy Policy 

Tecnica may amend or update all or part of the Website Privacy Policy, also in view of any changes made to provisions of law or regulations governing this matter. Amendments and updates to the Website Privacy Policy will be binding as soon as they are published in this section of the Website. Please therefore access this section regularly to verify the publication of the latest, updated version of the Website Privacy Policy.

15. Language.

Any translation of this document into a language other than Italian is provided solely for information purposes. In the event of any discrepancy, the only legally valid and binding version regulating the use of the Website shall be the Italian version of this document.